Monday 14 October 2024

Lose Weight with Hypnosis? [Proven]

 I thought I'd heard everything in the weight loss world, but I just found this video that shows how you can use hypnosis to drop fat effortlessly. 


This works even if you're not dieting. 


Even if you're not exercising. 


Now, the hypnosis might make you WANT to eat right and exercise... 


Or... it might just speed up your metabolism so you drop weight automatically. 


I had no idea about this, but it turns out that we can often have subconscious blocks that are KEEPING the weight on, even when we're doing everything else right. 


That's one reason why you find some people who can't seem to lose weight no matter what they do. 


But that doesn't have to be your fate. 



You know what the coolest part is? 


This "hypnotic" process only takes 15 minutes! 





Because hypnosis can permanently change your subconscious mind so you're motivated to keep the weight off. 


Or it might help reset your metabolism so you don't hold extra fat out of subconscious guilt or shame. 


The fact is that there are many reasons we hold weight on that are very psychological. 


That's what makes hypnosis so magical. 



Thursday 4 July 2024

New Movie: Unofficial 'The Secret' 2.0 ๐ŸŽฌ ๐Ÿ’ซ


You've seen The Secret.


Now it's time for you to watch the unofficial sequel...


The Manifesting Movie.


This shocking documentary reveals the incredible science behind the Law of Attraction.


It also unveils a simple 5-step manifesting technique for instantly unlocking more abundance and success in your life.




And I've got you front-row tickets :-)


Click here to watch:


A bridge with lights at night

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(Value: $97. Cost to VIP you: FREE.)


You'll also get the chance to download the No B.S. Manifesting course. This ISN'T free -- but if you get the chance to buy it, I highly recommend you do!


Enjoy :-)


Rick Keats

Thursday 16 May 2024

Subliminal Actually Work on your Subconscious and There are Two Free Subliminal Albums To Try Out

 You've heard of Subliminal MP3s before.

They're special MP3 audio files that contain thousands of powerful, positive affirmations.

Just listen while you get on with your day. The affirmations will gradually filter through to your subconscious, helping you to dramatically change your life - from the inside out.

You can use 
Subliminals to...

Attract an abundant lifestyle & think yourself rich
Lose weight fast and stop yourself overeating
Master the Law of Attraction & be more grateful
Rocket your confidence levels and be more positive
Boost your IQ, brain power and studying skills

Whatever you want, just listen to the MP3 and you're done.

Just listen to your 
Subliminal MP3, and let it change your life.

Today -- I'd like to give you a chance to experience this for yourself :)

Subliminal Guru is one of the web's biggest subliminal superstores. They have over 4,000 hand-crafted Subliminal MP3s for instant download, covering practically everything. (And if they don't have the album you want, they'll create it for you.)

I've teamed up with them to offer you TWO Subliminal Guru albums at absolutely NO COST, to give you an awesome introduction to the site and Subliminals in general!

You've heard of Subliminal MP3s before.

They're special MP3 audio files that contain thousands of powerful, positive affirmations.

Just listen while you get on with your day. The affirmations will gradually filter through to your subconscious, helping you to dramatically change your life - from the inside out.

Subliminal Guru is one of the web's biggest subliminal superstores. They have over 4,000 hand-crafted Subliminal MP3s for instant download, covering practically everything. (And if they don't have the album you want, they'll create it for you.)

I've teamed up with them to offer you TWO Subliminal Guru albums at absolutely NO COST, to give you an awesome introduction to the site and Subliminals in general!

Select any two albums from the list of best-sellers, including "Master the Law of Attraction", "Think Yourself Rich", "Lose Weight Fast", "Rocket Your Self-Confidence" and "Get a Photographic Memory." Then click the button to download.

(Oh, and if you decide to buy from the Subliminal Guru site, use this special code during checkout to claim a 10% discount: 7PRF9UQJ )